Understanding Abuse Through SCT

AbasedSocial Cognitive Theory (SCT) is used in learning and psychology to explain knowledge acquisition as well as beliefs through social interaction. According to this theory, what we learn and believe comes to be in society and not in isolation. This is possible through the interactions of cognitive/biological, environmental, and behavior factors. These interactions are explained through Triadic Reciprocal Determinism (TRD). Each factor interacts with each other but not necessarily balanced. The environment interacts with behavior offering cues of acceptance or rejection, these cues are interpreted cognitively and acted upon as a response to the environment. We are both influenced by our environment as we are influencers of it. We are not in total control of our circumstances but we are not completely controlled by them.

Abuse is a harmful, injurious, or offensive way of treatment. It could be both physical and psychological. Understanding abuse through SCT provides a foundation to depict abuse within a context, and also classification of interpretations and responses to it. For instance, abuse could be classified as an environmental factor or as a behavior depending on the abuser/victim perspective. When a person is abused it is interpreted and acted upon in response. In some cases victims of abuse become perpetrators in response. How a person responds to abuse or acts upon as an abuser depends on cognitive interpretations. Each instance of abuse has a specific context and multiple variables to be considered.

Behavioral cues towards the environment can provide insights of how abuse marked a person’s life. Retraction from social interaction, violence, hot temper, lack of coping skills are some examples of indications of abuse an its effects. Human’s cognitive capacity to interpret symbols and environmental cues provides the opportunity for individuals to surpass or conquer their circumstances using abuse antecedents as a form of a learning experience and motivation to improve their lives and help others find a path for rehabilitation.

FreedomThe scars of abuse might never disappear but how people respond to their past is a choice that is achievable through a renewal of the mind, the soul, the heart, and the spirit. Recognizing the marks of abuse is not an enjoyable experience and cleaning the wounds of the past could be a very painful experience. However, this could be the beginning of healing. Healing is a process that won’t happen in a day but it produces joy that was lost and the chance to enjoy life away from fear.

The New Adventure Begins


Today the new adventure begins. New experiences can be very scary but others can be very exciting. Our new adventure is more of the second without taking away a little of the first. For many years our daughter has been asking for a dog. We could not have it back were we used to live but we managed to let her have a hamster who is the baby of house. Tommy has been with us for almost 2 years. He has his own Instagram account, is potty-trained, and takes naps with us. We learned to recognize when he needs the bathroom, when he is thirsty, when he is hungry, and when he just wants to cuddle. He even recognizes when we call his name. Yes, I’m still talking about the hamster.

This was the deal. We promised our daughter that as soon as we moved to a place where dogs were permitted we could get her one if she demonstrated good care of Tommy. She has been amazing. Today we are picking up our new family member. His name is Percy, a 7 months old shih tzu we have never met. I guess online dating took a very interesting turn. We are all very excited to meet Percy. I think it is going to be a great experience for all of us.

One thing we can learn from our daughter’s experience is that “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” (Luke 16:10). We all have to jump on doing great things and show what we are capable of in a larger scale that we get the chance too. Maybe we need to start small and be faithful and responsible in those little things. Our hard work will be rewarded in due time. Certain sacrifices can be blessings disguised.

I Can Fill One Too

11082588_10150553819634956_3721361725399077905_nThe exhibit as featured artist at The Gallery at Elemar came to a close. I had to remove my art from the stage where the featured artist exhibits the work. It is someone else’s time to use the stage. My work was on stage since November 2014. I still show my work there. As I was moving stuff around and trying to figure out my exhibit area I was thinking about Pablo Picasso and his quote, “Give me a museum and I’ll fill it.” I can fill one too. Maybe a museum is too big for me but I’m sure I can fill a gallery or a studio.

I have more than 10 pieces on display at the gallery and about 20-30 other pieces at home ready for show and sale. I definitely need to start seriously considering studio space where I can display all these pieces and where I can have workshops and the sculpting and painting parties. That is definitely my 5-year plan but I guess I should consider making it a 3-year plan. I enjoy the sculpting and painting parties at Cafe Atlantique and all the other places, and the workshops at the Seniors Center, and I don’t see what those can’t continue even when having a studio space. However, I do need working studio space and having my own may provided a greater flexibility and expansion in the kind of workshops I can offer. Nevertheless, I hope to keep traveling and teaching despite having the studio or not. One thing can be done without dismissing the other.

11082621_10150552324439956_4430117058517044782_nI’ve been thinking about a figure study workshop and open figure drawing nights for a while. That I would love to do on a regular basis. Also, the studio space could be great for all the private classes. I could also hold open studios and show openings. It would be amazing to be able to present the new collection along with the book in a place like that. There is so much to dream about. That is the first step to make it a reality. Dream on, my friend.

That is Encouraging

ReverieYesterday I wrote for the first in ten days. During the time I was absent from writing it surprised me how many people was still coming to the website to read previous posts. More encouraging is receiving messages and comments regarding yesterday’s post. All comments and messages were about how the post was a timely reminder for the right moment. That is encouraging indeed. It is a special kind of feeling difficult to articulate but I am definitely thankful for it. It is good to think that what I write here is an unrewarded effort although it feels that I am writing to no one sometimes. It is good to know someone still reads this and benefits from it.

Photo Nov 22, 10 59 16 PMI do not think I have a special wisdom or some kind of talent to speak to people’s need. I am also far away from being a preacher, a prophet, or a motivational speaker (although I used to be a motivational speaker a long time ago). In my short life and the experiences I’ve been through, as well as the times I learned from what I’ve seen from others, I learned to pause and see the world. I do see the world with a little humor which is not always understood by others but it is fun inside my head. Learning from the Bible as well as having a holistic view of the world helps me connect the dots. That doesn’t mean that I know everything or that I have everything figured out. No one does. I am just glad and thankful that I can share the little I know and bright the day for someone.

Take some time to stop and consider your lives and your experiences. Share them with others. There is always something others can learn from you. Maybe you can bright someone’s day. Even in our failures (which are only failures if we learn nothing from them) we can be changing a life if we share.

Ten Days Later


“Daddy, this is the first day we don’t have a thing to do after school.” Ten days ago I posted about how exhausted I was. We were moving and it was not easy. Moving is never easy. IMG_5476.JPGYou win in some ways and you lose some things. I believe that it is mostly wins. The things you lose are opportunities to move forward. Now I don’t have studio space to work on my sculptures, but that could be just enough motivation to look forward to open a studio where people can see the art displayed, learn, and have fun with art. For now, I am having a lot of fun traveling and extending the sculpting and painting parties outside of Milford. IMG_5595.JPGYes, I still do it in Milford and it is going wonderfully. During the moving process I also had the chance to present on Online Media Tips for Artists, to participate in a basketball tournament, help dome friends, take the kids to their basketball games, and continue with our family activities. Ten days later I am writing again. I am thankful for the messages and the people still visiting the page waiting for the next post. IMG_5613.JPGI also keep drawing daily, because not having a studio space is not an excuse for not having studio time. Soon I’ll be sharing about other wonderful things happening this year.

There is no reason to be afraid or resistant to changes in life. We are changing every second of every minute, of every hour, of each day. Trying to maintain a constant life without change is virtually impossible. We age and that in itself is constant change. When I look at the wins and loses of change I feel confident that changing is for better. Transitions are always difficult and it is possible that stress and anxiety could cloud our vision and disorient us. It is important to take a moment to rest, consider the current situation, and focus on the next steps toward the future. In the process we might have to reconsider our goals and plans. The plans we made and the goals we set at the beginning of the year might not apply as planned. We need to review, revise, and adapt. Flexibility towards change, coping skills, and self-regulation are important aspects to succeed in life. Take a chance and move on.