You Will Get Offended



11988760_10150633681679956_6883456019591804743_nDuring the first day of class for our Inquiry course I asked the students to get their cellphones out, turn around, and take a selfie. Since we were sitting in a circle, by turning around we could see other people taking a selfie behind us as we were taking our selfie. Then I told them,

“You will get offended at some point. Someone is going to say something that will go against what you think or believe, and you will get offended. However, getting offended is a choice. There is another choice. You can look back at this selfie and understand that you only have one view and a very small part of the complete story.”

Inquiry is a fancy label to seek understanding of multiple points of view. In the process, we discover that we don’t know everything, or have all the answers. Interestingly, with all the advances in technology, specially in astronomy, some people still believe that the universe revolves around them. Some people assume that their current knowledge and understanding, and self-gained experience is the one and only irrevocable truth. As I often tell my students, and share with other people in conversations, the earth was flat. Through a process of investigation we realize that it is not.

In life, what we think we know today can be challenged, and it can change for our own benefit. We increase knowledge when we allow ourselves to understand different positions and points of view. Our world expands when we can see it from multiple perspectives, but not so much when we only look through the scope of our self-righteous, self-absorbed understanding of the world around us like there is nothing else. It is very easy to talk about tolerance and acceptance, when the only thing we tolerate and accept is what we believe. Then we get offended by opposition. Nevertheless, there is a big difference between tolerance and acceptance, and to surrender your believes and principles for what someone else understands is the truth. Understanding you is not going to change what I believe, but I get to see your point. That is a subject for another conversation.

We all have a selfie, a small view of the world around us. You choose to be offended or to allow yourself to understand other points of view. Some people will choose to hold on to their wisdom and allow their world to shrink with their self-righteousness. Others will grow their wisdom and understanding by investigating and learning about different perspectives on the subject matter.


That is Encouraging

ReverieYesterday I wrote for the first in ten days. During the time I was absent from writing it surprised me how many people was still coming to the website to read previous posts. More encouraging is receiving messages and comments regarding yesterday’s post. All comments and messages were about how the post was a timely reminder for the right moment. That is encouraging indeed. It is a special kind of feeling difficult to articulate but I am definitely thankful for it. It is good to think that what I write here is an unrewarded effort although it feels that I am writing to no one sometimes. It is good to know someone still reads this and benefits from it.

Photo Nov 22, 10 59 16 PMI do not think I have a special wisdom or some kind of talent to speak to people’s need. I am also far away from being a preacher, a prophet, or a motivational speaker (although I used to be a motivational speaker a long time ago). In my short life and the experiences I’ve been through, as well as the times I learned from what I’ve seen from others, I learned to pause and see the world. I do see the world with a little humor which is not always understood by others but it is fun inside my head. Learning from the Bible as well as having a holistic view of the world helps me connect the dots. That doesn’t mean that I know everything or that I have everything figured out. No one does. I am just glad and thankful that I can share the little I know and bright the day for someone.

Take some time to stop and consider your lives and your experiences. Share them with others. There is always something others can learn from you. Maybe you can bright someone’s day. Even in our failures (which are only failures if we learn nothing from them) we can be changing a life if we share.

About the Simple Things


You may know by now that yesterday was my 40th birthday. If you didn’t know, you now can join the other 10,000 people I told about it. It was a great quiet day. I guess that is the advantage of having a birthday on a Monday. I didn’t have  big party or crowds. I spent the morning getting ready to renew my driver’s license. That involved shaving my face and head, and getting a nice outfit. After getting my license I just went on to make phone calls and draw a little before going to my daughter’s basketball game. The night continued having dinner with my family at a restaurant. Back home we just watched a show and a basketball game with some writing and drawing in between.

Since I told so many people online about my birthday including yesterday’s post and another post a few days ago, I enjoyed the birthday wishes and comments online. I also enjoyed making some people smile and laugh with the pictures of my Superman onesie my family gave me as gift. I had fun today and it was my kind of day. I am all about the simple things. As long as my family is with me that makes it a special day. There is nothing else I would ask for.

Now I can move on to live this new phase of my life. The next two weeks are going to be very busy. Between moving, classes, presentations, parties, and writing time needs to be used wisely. We all have 24 hours a day. The wisdom is to use time wisely and make sure to have a clear sense of priorities. I mentioned before in different occasions that the relationships with the people around are more important than getting things done. One thing can be taken care of without neglecting the other. Often, the simple things in life are the most important things in life.

I Am Forty

i am 40

Yes, I am forty. What does that mean? It means I reached an age of enlightenment and wisdom. Being 40 means that anyone under the age of 28 could technically be my son or daughter. That statement in itself changes the way you see people and how you see yourself. Being 40 means that I am not as fast or strong as I used to be but I can still play sports with people half my age with the advantage that I have nothing to prove. The pressure is all on them. If I win, they get defeated by an old man. If I lose, I’m just old. It is a win-win situation for me.

It is good to understand the advantages and limitations of your own body at any age. I am aware of mine. I do have to start working out again for health purposes. I am really not concerned about the beauty aspects of working out because it really doesn’t get any better than this. My only concern is giving away my favorite jeans because my voice changes if I wear them. If I didn’t look like Hugh Jackman 10 years ago, it is not going to happen in the next 10 years. I take smart over handsome any day because smart gets better with age, handsome is just a path downhill after certain age. Either way I’m happy with my appearance. I just need to do my part to stay healthy.

Going back to how you see yourself and others, I think Paul provided a guideline to Timothy (1 Timothy 5:1-2) that transcends any age:

Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

I am very happy to make it until today. It is going to be a regular busy day with all the blessings as any other day, but I’m glad I can be close to my wife and kids, what I have and what I do, and what I have to do. Here is for another day, celebrating each day like the last, but working as if I have 100 more years to live. The plan is to be 40 until I turn 50.