Stained Glass Window
There is an idea. I can see it but it is not completely clear. I know is there. I can pretty much describe the shapes I see, the size, the movement, the action, the intention, and the plan. Still, I can’t see it. It feels like looking through a stained glass window. A fog of color and shining lights are not letting me see the full image. The idea gets lost for a minute, then it comes back. The closer it gets to the glass the better I see it. Nevertheless, the image I get is confusing and distorted.
Have you ever experience that first glance of an idea when it is not completely clear? A lot of my ideas begin like that. I see it but I don’t. It becomes a little confusing while at the same time it provides me hope. It also forces me to stop and take time to look, to pay attention, to imagine the parts that are missing from my eyes, to explore possibilities, and to get closer. To my surprise, I find myself ignoring the stained glass window or trying to hard to see through it. Maybe, I should take a look at the stained glass window instead.
The idea is there, on the other side. There is no rush to get reach it. I always tell my family, “If it is for you, no one can take it away”. Maybe that stained glass window is a reminder of your current situation. Yes, it clouds your vision of what lies on the other side, but it has beautiful colors and shapes you could enjoy here and now. The light shines through inviting you to enjoy a new vision. Maybe if you stop and look closely your idea will emerge through and provide the revelation you need to make it happen. There is no need to rush.
One of Those Weeks
I see knowledge as one unlimited supply of interconnected events, points of views, interpretations, results from experience and experimentation, explanations of our surroundings, assumptions of what we don’t know based on the things we do know, and abstract descriptions of an idea. As I explained to one of the participants: “Everything we see, hear, and say is an abstraction of an idea”. Letters are the abstraction of the idea of a sound that we translate into a symbol, but that sound itself is an abstraction of the idea of that particular sound. Objects are abstractions of ideas producing symbols we get attached to. The object perish, and the symbol changes its value based on time and context, but the idea remains. Sadly, humans attach themselves to so many perishable abstractions instead of taking hold of the idea. Even more so, we often forget to rely on the source of life who put the idea into visual and palpable realization with just speaking.
April is almost coming to an end but there are still things to do and classes to teach. I continue the computer class at The Literacy Center of Milford, and if you are missing on all the fun of the painting and sculpting parties, we are going to be sculpting at The Grove in New Haven, Friday, April 24. The events for the month of May are listed also so you can RSVP with time. You can also request private sculpting and painting parties, as well as art lessons.
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