The Eye of the Hurricane


Coming from the tropical island of Puerto Rico talking about hurricanes is pretty common. Most recently with hurricanes reaching New York and New England in the past few years seems like a commonality here too. While we don’t get hurricanes during this season, Christmas time feels like a hurricane but not of wind and rain, but of people. Just sit back in the eye of the hurricane and observe. Look around you. Look at yourself. Are you falling in the same madness of the world during the holidays?

During this time people run around like crazy trying to fulfill the self-imposed demands of the season. People put too much emphasis in ‘getting stuff’ for the season and very little emphasis in enjoying the season. This time is for much more than buying stuff. Yes, giving is important. It feels great to give. Stressing and running over other people to get that ephemeral object, and falling in debt (less than ephemeral) to satisfy false expectations is of little sense and value.

If you are giving, give from the heart and within your means. Spend quality time with the people you care about. Call those who are far. Send a text message, a card, FaceTime with them. Let them know you are thinking about them.