Celebration is a State of Mind

Humans are often inclined to focus on “the bad things” instead of focusing on the good things. I know you have heard that before: “Be thankful just for being alive today!”. Well, you should! A bad attitude might make others around you wonder if they should be thankful that you are alive. Nevertheless, each day is a new opportunity to get it right. Looking back is just a way to learn to move forward and make it better.

show opening crowd

I know you know I’m going to write about the show opening we had last night. It was AMAZING!!!!!! We had a great turned out. Some pieces found a new home. People had fun. I had a lot of fun. So many beautiful conversations. The food was amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better show. I couldn’t be more thankful. I’m really honored and thankful for all who came. Of course, I took a selfie with everyone!

Photo Nov 22, 7 04 49 PM

After every show I celebrate the accomplishments and also take time to meditate in the results. I am thankful for everything because it helps me stay grounded. I believe in grace and the fact that I don’t deserve the blessings. Everything is useful to grow character and focus on improving each day. This the social cognitive theory principle of increasing self-efficacy beliefs. By committing to a goal individuals feel a sense of accomplishment which increases self-efficacy. Then the individual is confident to commit to another goal and continue the cycle.

Let’s focus on all the great things we have ahead of us to reach, beginning with what we have at hand today. Don’t forget to be thankful!

I’ll be updating the website with more pictures soon.