“Daddy, this is the first day we don’t have a thing to do after school.” Ten days ago I posted about how exhausted I was. We were moving and it was not easy. Moving is never easy. You win in some ways and you lose some things. I believe that it is mostly wins. The things you lose are opportunities to move forward. Now I don’t have studio space to work on my sculptures, but that could be just enough motivation to look forward to open a studio where people can see the art displayed, learn, and have fun with art. For now, I am having a lot of fun traveling and extending the sculpting and painting parties outside of Milford.
Yes, I still do it in Milford and it is going wonderfully. During the moving process I also had the chance to present on Online Media Tips for Artists, to participate in a basketball tournament, help dome friends, take the kids to their basketball games, and continue with our family activities. Ten days later I am writing again. I am thankful for the messages and the people still visiting the page waiting for the next post.
I also keep drawing daily, because not having a studio space is not an excuse for not having studio time. Soon I’ll be sharing about other wonderful things happening this year.
There is no reason to be afraid or resistant to changes in life. We are changing every second of every minute, of every hour, of each day. Trying to maintain a constant life without change is virtually impossible. We age and that in itself is constant change. When I look at the wins and loses of change I feel confident that changing is for better. Transitions are always difficult and it is possible that stress and anxiety could cloud our vision and disorient us. It is important to take a moment to rest, consider the current situation, and focus on the next steps toward the future. In the process we might have to reconsider our goals and plans. The plans we made and the goals we set at the beginning of the year might not apply as planned. We need to review, revise, and adapt. Flexibility towards change, coping skills, and self-regulation are important aspects to succeed in life. Take a chance and move on.
Helen Bruce
Dr Ivan Tirado
Kathryn Carl
Dr Ivan Tirado