The Day Has Come!
You know what I am going to say. After months of planning and preparation, long hours and little sleep, the day is finally here. The show opens tonight! You are more than welcome to join me and witness the results of all this effort at 6:00 pm at The Gallery at Elemar, 2 Gibbs St., New Haven, CT.
In November 2011 I had my first solo show. After that, each year I had a show. This year is different. The place is larger and the expectations are bigger. You can imagine my nerves. Yes, I get nervous and very excited at the same time. Each show is different and has its own expectations. However, this show is in a larger place, with a larger audience, and the expectations are higher than ever. I just want to see who comes.
While it is true we are not in control of our circumstances, it is also true that we are in control of how we react to our circumstances. For me each show is a celebration. I celebrate and enjoy each one no matter the outcome because I always feel the blessing of God, and the support of my family and friends. For me, that is the best case scenario. Everybody else who comes to celebrate is an extra blessing. It would be a great blessing if you could make it too. You won’t be disappointed. I know I won’t be.
How to Prepare for Your Show
Close your eyes and imagine your show. Live the moment. It is like a party. Envision how your art is displayed, how people move around to see your art, what they are eating and drinking, the background music… Visualize every detail. Now, lets prepare to show our work.
I prefer to take care of most aspects of my shows myself instead of putting it in the hands of other people. I do surround myself with people I trust to help me shape the scene and to alleviate my burden. Seek their advice, listen to their opinion, but most importantly understand their support. Make sure is people who can take care of things without prompting. Otherwise you will add unnecessary stress to yourself.
How to prepare for your show? While there are many intricacies in presenting an art exhibit this checklist might help you get started. Before you decide you want to have an art exhibit you need to be ready with a few things.
Word of Advise: Make sure the amount of pieces fits the venue. You don’t want your show to look like a flea market.
I try to have this at least 3 months in advance. That time allows for you to prepare and promote properly.
There are plenty of examples and templates online in how to write a press release. If you have someone to do it for you is fine. Some people charge to write press releases. I prefer to write it myself then ask other people to edit whatever necessary.
Again, if you can’t do it yourself someone else can do it. I design my own printed material. It makes me feel closer to the show.
Use your printed material, mailing lists, online media, social media, word of mouth, tell your friends to bring friends… anything that can being people to your show.
Keep it simple to the extent possible unless someone else wants to pay for it. You can also ask for sponsors or wine tastings to be present. The possibilities are endless and it all depends on your budget and preferences.
Heads up! There will be a lot of stress on getting ready. Go over your plan and check every detail. Pretend you are a guest and go through all of it. Be flexible to changes that won’t change the overall look and feel of the show. There are things not deserving the stress.
Be ready to enjoy the people celebrating you and your work, make new connections, be ready to answer any questions that could be presented, and have fun. It is your party!
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