Do Not Overcomplicate Things
There is a new tendency in our society to overcomplicate things that are by nature simple. Why take 100 steps and many turns to reach something that is reachable with 3 steps? I am not talking about the common core curriculum in case you are wondering, but since you mentioned it, that’s a good example. It happens in music performances too. Watching the Grammy Awards (no, it is not a competition for grandmothers. That would be the Granny Awards; although most of these artists are really old) I can tell how songs that are not necessarily good were over-adorned to make them somehow ‘better’. You know a true musical artist when they can sing and don’t need too much around them to be good. It happens in visual arts as well. We can tell when a painting or a sculpture, or whatever it could be art nowadays is overcomplicated. We see it in how people organize events. I’ve been in too many corporate meetings that get nowhere because people can’t reach a decision on things that are simple.
I grew up in a household where we didn’t have an issue making or doing good things that were indeed simple. For us it has to look good without too much. We never had a need to gold-plate what was already beautiful in its simple form. One of the most important aspects I learned is being satisfied to provide a great atmosphere for our guests by being there and relating to them. I interact with people in all my shows because that’s the right thing to do. It is more valuable than art on the wall, expensive wine, and gold-plated glasses, while the artist stand scare or overconfident in a corner expecting some kind of recognition instead of acknowledging the people who makes the show successful. People need people interaction. I don’t care how much society wants to complicate an event, at the end what people need is people, a friendly conversation, a smile, someone they can relate to.
In 2010 I had my first opportunity to show my work. I learned a few things about putting together a show and I follow that plan for my shows since (see How To Prepare For Your Show) I have now my first chance to give back and organize a show for a few friends. I am not going to participate directly in this show as an artist. Although my work has a permanent exhibit area in the gallery this is their show. It indeed provides curator experience for me which is great. Nevertheless, I do not overcomplicate things. I have a good idea of the work I’ve seen from the artists, designed the blueprint of the show, created a to-do list for them and for me and all we need to do is to work on each of the pieces and put them together. There is no need to over-adorn what is already good. The reception requires a few more details but I already noted the vision for it. Again, it doesn’t have to be complicated. It is going to be great and I can’t wait to give you all the details so you can join us.
The End is The Beginning
On Saturday, January 24, 2015 we are closing what has been my longest and biggest show yet. It opened back in November 2014. The Gallery at Elemar is a very spacious and beautiful place to show and to hold events. We are closing with an art discussion in which I’ll be presenting on the healing and learning benefits of art. You are invited to join us.
Having an exhibit take a lot of work. I don’t have an agent or an event planner to do it for me. I get help from my family, friends, and acquaintances as advisors but I plan most of it. It is time consuming and very stressful at times. Generally my solo shows had been a day or two. Sometimes they begin and end with the reception. It is the first time I have an exhibit for this period of time and after the closing I still hold exhibit space in the gallery for an undetermined period of time. You can still see my work there after the show. That’s one good thing about closing this show. On the other hand, I get to go back to public speaking that day. The exhibit will be up after that because on Tuesday I’m giving a short presentation to the New Haven Rotary Club. After that, I go back to the gallery in March for another presentation about media for artists (more information on that coming soon). The end is the beginning.
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