100 Years From Now
Fast forward to 2114. New years eve 100 years from now. A completely new generation is ready to celebrate. If we went from horses to space shuttles in 100 years it would be interesting to imagine how the future holds. Marty McFly from Back To The Future made it to 2015. It really doesn’t look like that although we have many things they didn’t think about back then. Nevertheless, we probably won’t make it to 2115, but would someone remember you?
Probably nobody will remember you. The truth is that most people is forgotten 40-50 years after they die. Only a handful of people remain remembered from a long time. Would you be one of them? If so, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want people to remember the things you did? Maybe you want them to remember how you related with others. Maybe both. What would you like people to remember about you?
While you think about that I want to wish you a very prosperous 2015 full of achievements and treasurable moments. Make the best of each moment. Let the people around you know that you love them and that you care for them. Be the best at what you do and enjoy it. Happy New Year!
The Past and the Future
Meanwhile as I work on new pieces it is always fun and refreshing to look back at those old sketchbooks. They are a treasure chest of ideas in expectation. Even those doodles we often think are useless could become a piece of art someday. No idea is lost. We just have to look at the past with new eyes and focus on the future.
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