Online Media for Artists


March is going to be a very interesting month this year. The agenda for the month could look overwhelming. Our agenda looks crazy between work, basketball, moving, me turning 40 (just wanted to throw that there), sculpting and painting parties, workshops, presentations, and classes. Not to mention writing for the blog, reviewing the book, and working on my sculptures. Time management is a great thing.

Overwhelming and crazy are two words that could well describe online media for artists specially when it comes to social media platforms. “There are so many!” “It looks so complicated!” “They take so much time!” “I rather be creating than wasting time in front of the computer.” “I don’t want a slave of that.” Those are just a few answers I get when I talk to artists about online media. The fact is that social media is not complicated at all and it only takes time to set up, but after that it only takes as much time as you want it to take if used effectively. On the other hand, many artists don’t know how to use online media even if they wanted to.

I ask a few questions in order to establish an analysis or pre-assessment of the situation (I am an instructional designer and the analysis is one of my favorite areas of practice):

Do you have an email account?

How often do you check your emails?

What kind of phone do you have?

Sounds silly but those questions can provide more information about online aptitudes than you think. I could add some other questions regarding having an online presence but at this time think about those three questions. After the presentation in March I’m going to write a few postings regarding the subject and the experience at the event. I am sure that the discussion is going to be very interesting. I learn a lot from people’s questions. I am not the kind of teacher that tells people what to do and how to do things. I just help people making sense on their own and adapting the information I provide according to their own needs and goals. I don’t consider myself an expert at anything but being me. That I’m doing pretty well so far.

Printed Media or Online Media

What do you prefer? Printed Media or Online Media? If you ask me, I like both.

This week I was interviewed at The Gallery at Elemar for an article in the Milford Mirror. It was a great interview. I love to talk a lot so interviews are a lot of fun for me. It is always intriguing to find out what people write afterwards. Can’t wait to get the printed version this week. I always get this media excitement when I see my name in newspapers and magazines. The same goes for blogs and social media. It is always an honor. It is also very encouraging and inspiring to see that hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. It is a great blessing. I feel like a little kid. Somehow I feel like I’m reading about someone else and then I realize, ‘Hey! That’s me!’ 

printed media

Back in 2010 my name began showing up in local newspapers announcing what was my first exhibit. Of course I was excited about seeing my name printed there. That was very exciting. In 2012 I appeared for the first time in a blog interview published by The Well Written Woman. In 2013 Turner Woods wrote a great piece for the exhibit at Sobobo Gallery. Also in 2013 I was interviewed by Milford Living Magazine for a two page article for the Autumn Issue. I made a poster with it and it is displayed at the gallery. Then again in the winter 2015 issue I was mentioned again. I was mentioned in the New Haven Independent last year in October and November.

I believe online media has the appearance of being ephemeral it is challenging the longevity and accessibility of printed media. Printed media tends to stay local while the online media is reaching the world. Either way I don’t mind appearing in both. I try to keep the printed ones I can get my hands on. I probably missed a few in the past few years. Probably missed a few online ones too. I need to pay more attention. Nevertheless, it is a great and honorable experience to ready what others write. Hopefully there will be a lot more interviews in the near future.