What is your goal? What are you looking for? What is the motivation for what you are doing? What is the most important thing for you to obtain? Why am I asking all these questions?
It is healthy to perform an evaluation of our motives in the things we do and what we want to accomplish. Humans have the capacity to align their behaviors based on their goals and behave accordingly. Our goals are informed by our values and how we measure success in our lives. Those same goals will determine our view in life and how we conduct ourselves with others.
Our society sadly measures a successful life based on money. It only takes one quick look at all those wealthy celebrities who are suffering illnesses, depression, depending on medications and illegal drugs, and even taking their own lives. I might sound like a credit card commercial but indeed there are many things money can’t buy.
I personally believe that relationships are more important than things. I believe that touching other people with my art and when I teach is more important than getting paid (that doesn’t mean I work for free or give away my art). Making a difference in someone’s life is more important to me than money or recognition. Connections with people are more important to me than selling many pieces of art. Yes, selling art is nice. It is my job, as it is teaching, but money can’t be the focus of what I do.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
Where Your Treasure Is
It is healthy to perform an evaluation of our motives in the things we do and what we want to accomplish. Humans have the capacity to align their behaviors based on their goals and behave accordingly. Our goals are informed by our values and how we measure success in our lives. Those same goals will determine our view in life and how we conduct ourselves with others.
Our society sadly measures a successful life based on money. It only takes one quick look at all those wealthy celebrities who are suffering illnesses, depression, depending on medications and illegal drugs, and even taking their own lives. I might sound like a credit card commercial but indeed there are many things money can’t buy.
I personally believe that relationships are more important than things. I believe that touching other people with my art and when I teach is more important than getting paid (that doesn’t mean I work for free or give away my art). Making a difference in someone’s life is more important to me than money or recognition. Connections with people are more important to me than selling many pieces of art. Yes, selling art is nice. It is my job, as it is teaching, but money can’t be the focus of what I do.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
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