A Sketch a Day


I use social media a lot. I have a Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and Tumblr among others. Last week in Instagram I joined a hashtag to post one sketch per day. The hashtag is #asketchaday. Artists from all over the world with many different styles post a sketch and we all get to see. I’ve been posting sometimes more than one sketch per day. A sketch a day is a good way to develop and maintain a discipline. Although, it would be just the beginning of it. It is said that it takes 21 days to develop a habit.

10516669_10150539909099956_4459567401894699820_n-2At the moment I am going to some life transitions and my time in the studio was reduced to taking care of other things. However, forcing myself to draw daily not only keeps me connected to a studio like habit but also is a chance to connect to my artistic roots and to develop ideas for the future. Drawing is also a form of study. It helps me understand the figure a little better while I can continue improving my technique.

10361564_10150542051959956_6402271108329146029_nDrawing is also a lot of fun. It distracts the mind from the daily madness and relaxes the senses. It also sharpens the eye-hand coordination. “Practice. Practice. Practice…” its what I tell people. Of course, it is all about having fun with it too. Interestingly, I received messages and comments of people who identify with this drawings and feel connected to them. Specially women who find emotional healing in art. That is very good to know. It is inspiring, encouraging, and motivating.