Those Drawings
I’ve been drawing the last few days a little more. Drawing always takes me back to the college years when I walked around with my sketchbook just like Jack Dawson, the character played by Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Those drawings also looked very similar. Drawing was a daily activity at any given chance. I don’t think I developed a classical drawing technique but I always had fun.
It is always interesting to see people’s reactions. The reaction to those drawings is still the same today after 20 years. I wish I knew back then about attribution theory, although I think I asked the right questions to their curious and judgmental questions about the nude figure. People ask why are the drawings nude and why I don’t draw clothes on them. My answer is that I’m a figure artist and not a fashion designer. I wonder if people ask OB-GYN physicians to change their specialty to something less intrusive.
People assume that because the drawing is a nude figure it is something impure, dirty, or sexual. This is not surprising in a society that measures the value of a human being based on their sexuality and not in the intrinsic value as a person. The figure is just visually interesting. The human body is a beautiful thing. No, I don’t see people naked when I walk around. I don’t have x-ray vision. I guess, and attribution theory comes to play again, that people see the way they see because of who they are. People will produce and interpret things based on their condition. However, the intentions of the heart are exposed to One and I am not the One to judge or justify.
Assumptions, Interpretations, and Attributions
I heard a story many years ago. Two men working for a show company were sent to a tribe in the middle of nowhere to scout the territory and inform the company of any possibility of success selling shoes there. The first man makes his observations and informs the company of his conclusions:
– Business here is going to be a complete waste of time and effort. No one is wearing shoes.
The second man also reports back to the company:
– Business here is going to be great and worth the efforts. No one is wearing shoes.
Similarly this happens in every situation in life. One situation, two individuals, different views. It happens in the art world too. Two individuals can look at the same piece of art and have two completely different views of it. Interestingly, every view is subjective.
Assumptions are taking for granted a conclusion without proof or facts based on personal biases. It is very natural to us to fall prey of assumptions. That is not a problem. The problem is when no proof or facts allow us to consider other options. We form our view and that becomes the only truth. Interpretations, on the other hand, consider facts balancing these with experience and knowledge, assigns meaning, but remains open to consider other views that eventually help grow and develop a broader picture. Attributions go a step further.
According to Bernard Weiner’s Attribution Theory, broadly used in cognitive psychology, we assign meaning to meaning. In other words, we explain why we reached our assumption or interpretation of an event, behavior, a piece of art, and other forms of symbolic information. We assign internal or internal causes to our conclusions. Interestingly, we switch between internal and external attributions when it come to us and others. If we are successful or received favorable feedback we apply internal attributes and tell ourselves: “I worked very hard on this”. When we fail or we don’t like the feedback we receive we tell ourselves we apply external attributes to justify the results: “I don’t care what you have to say. You don’t know what I had to go through to achieve this”.
Once again, these views are subjective. All opinions are subjective. Every perspective is as individual as the person who has it. However, we must be very careful how we share these views with others not only for their sake but for our own. Our words can hurt people. We don’t know what they are going through. We should lift people up instead of trying to tear them apart. We must remember that when we apply assumptions, interpretations, and attributions to others we do so based on our own views, biases, experience, and knowledge. When we talk to others or about others, we might be revealing more about ourselves than what we are trying to reveal about them.
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:2
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