April Events
It is almost unbelievable that April is already here. It seems like yesterday we celebrated New Years and we already went through 93 days out of 365 of the year. That left us with 272 days left for 2015 to be over. March was a very busy month ending with a fantastic private painting party with the ladies of the Orange Chamber of Commerce. April began with a great sculpting party at Cafe Atlantique in Milford, CT. We had a great time. The April events continue and I will encourage you to join the fun. We are going from Milford, CT to Monroe and New Haven.
First, we will be back at Cafe Atlantique April 16 for a painting party. We have a few spaces left. The next day we go to Monroe for a sculpting party at Grandma Josie’s. It is going to be our first time sculpting there. We had a few painting parties that went great. Call and sign up. Friday, April 24 we go to New Haven for a sculpting party at The Grove. For all these events you must RSVP.
I am glad I get the chance to do this and share this time with you. It is not just about sculpting and painting as it is as investing time in yourself. When was the last time you didn’t check your phone for 2 hours? When was the last time you disconnected from everything? The results are satisfactory not only in the results of the artwork, but also in how you feel about yourself. It is a great experience for all of us. I really enjoy each one of these events. You can also request a private party for your organization or group.
Studio Time Without Studio Space
Many people hate Monday. I like Monday. Monday is my studio day, or at least it used to be. Technically it still is but certain things changed since we moved. I no longer have a dedicated studio space. The studio space was that corner in which I could work on my art without restrictions and where people came to take private lessons. It was also my space to think, plan, and generate ideas for current and future work. Not having that space sounds like a terrible loss, but it is not. I can have studio time without studio space.
Discipline and practice is not limited to a physical space but to the actions required to maintain the habits to continue creating and improving technique. Yes, the space is necessary to expand those creative moments, teach, keep supplies, and being able to come back to the work at any time. I feel like I’m taking a sabbatical from sculpting and painting. Nonetheless, I keep myself busy drawing everyday, and I am doing the painting and sculpting parties more frequently too. Now that I am writing again that also keeps my mind busy and gives me the chance to meditate and articulate ideas and my mental process. I’ll be teaching a computer class soon as well. Beginning next school semester I’ll be teaching in a university too. With all of these things happening at once I have to consider the world my studio.
I don’t think there is a need to limit myself to the physical studio space to dance with muses and get ready for what comes next. I don’t want to have a studio space as I had before. I want something else for which I’m getting ready. As the weather gets warmer I will be painting outside more, and who knows, maybe I’ll be sculpting again soon. That I can do while I wait to understand God’s will regarding studio space where I can display my art, work, and teach. Until then I enjoy studio time every day. Everything will come to pass in due time. There are so many things to look forward to this year.
Read also Studio Time: Work on Something or Nothing & The Discipline in The Discipline
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