Too Old To Dream

Sometimes I feel too old to dream anymore

SLT Diagram to the right

I guess it took me long enough to get back to writing for this blog. It is time to get back at it. I hope the title stirred up your curiosity. Sometimes I feel too old to dream anymore. No, I didn’t lose my edge, or neither I think that dreams are not important. I will always be a dreamer. However, it is time to take action and make those dreams happen. I’ve been trying to understand my path in life, the reasons for my experience, academics, my art, my skills, my weaknesses, my mistakes, those apparent failures, and moreover, the dreams I have for my life. I discovered soon enough that all of it was never about me.

My wife and I have been reading, seeking information, reaching out to organizations, and talking to people about human trafficking, and more specifically, domestic sex trafficking victims. While this is not a foreign subject for us, it was until recently that our hearts began burning for these victims, their trauma, their restoration, and the future they can have through freedom and healing. I’ve been assessing the tools I have and how these can be used for this purpose. I have to start with what I have no matter how little and insignificant it may look. To be specific, I have on one hand my academic preparation, teaching and research experience, and on the other hand, art. How do these two connect?

I shared before about social learning theory and how it helps to understand human behavior and antecedents to develop strategies for teaching and learning more effectively. In the past year or so, I’ve been contributing to some expansion of the theory not only in the complexity of factors of causation, but also in the application of the theory beyond the realm of learning. Adding the affective and the spiritual domains, and making the physical domain broader than just psychomotor skills, along with how the interactions of factors produce more than just self-efficacy and agency, are some of the things I’ve been working on. Also, I’ve been working on understanding how this theory is useful for trauma treatment. Moreover, I’ve been understanding in deeper ways how the benefits of the creative process are a tool to facilitate the healing process. I know it is a lot to grasp in a short post. I am putting together a research article on it.

This effort is just one piece of the puzzle. My wife is working on her piece of the puzzle too. She is working on the physical aspects of trauma through a holistic health approach. At the same time, she is connecting to mental health professionals to focus in the counseling and support aspects. All together is forming a inter-disciplinary and inter-professional holistic approach that focuses on the person being restored. Better yet, with every passing day, this is no longer a dream. The pieces are coming together to become a reality. Life is about to take a turn in a direction that is still unknown to us, and more importantly, to the people this is about.

Spirituality: The Fourth Domain

FreedomThree domains are commonly accepted in the learning process: cognitive (thinking), affective (feelings and emotions), and psychomotor (physical skills). These domains interact with each other forming the perception of ourselves and our capacities to achieve our goals, directly affecting our behavior in relationship with environmental stimuli. The interrelationship also includes influential interaction between the environment and the domains. These interactions create a battle between what we think, how we feel, and what we are physically capable of, how we perceive and interpret our environment, how we perceive ourselves, and how we behave and react in response. I am entertaining the idea that spirituality is being neglected as a domain in itself and diluted within the cognitive and the affective domain. What if spirituality is, as the other three domains are, a domain in itself? How much or our lives is influenced by spirituality? What if spirituality is neither logic or emotions? What if neglecting spirituality as a domain in itself is like driving a car with three wheels when it should have four?


Spirituality has been linked to every culture since the beginning of time. Many civilizations based their existence on their spiritual practices. Daily living, politics, laws, art, and architecture are some examples. In modern and contemporary society, even though many claim an absolute separation from spiritual principles, it is possible to observe an awakening of spirituality. It is important to understand and differentiate spirituality from ritualistic practices. On one way or another, the influence of spirituality is as strong as the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in developing a perception of the self and our capabilities, and how we respond to our environment. Therefore, I propose an inclusion of the spiritual domain as an active component of the interactions between the self and the environment, and an influencer in the learning process.

The plan for my paper is to develop a relationship between the elements comprising this idea. I want to define the characteristics of each one of the domains and how, while different from each other, they are interdependent. It is my intention to differentiate between abstract functions and those that are tangible and measurable. This differentiation includes separating environmental stimuli and how they are perceived. Moreover, I want to use these definitions and relationships to develop understanding how these elements, by themselves and in combination, influence behavior and specifically our attitude and aptitudes towards learning. Understanding will lead to practical and theoretical considerations to develop awareness of our own processes, as well as strategies for modification and balancing of the influences of the domains. It is my expectation that through the exploration of this idea of spirituality as the fourth domain can shed insights in addressing people and their learning processes with a holistic approach.

Professor Status

11988760_10150633681679956_6883456019591804743_nAugust has been a month of “firsts”. I had the chance to work on my first full body painting and today I had my first experience as a college professor. I like the professor status a lot. I love teaching. I have a great group of freshmen and I had the chance to welcome them for their first class as undergraduate students at this university. I also believe that this is the first time the students were asked by a professor to take a selfie. We all took a selfie with some of the students in the background behind each one of use while the people behind us was also taking a selfie. You might ask “Why?”

Our seminar is about developing a process of inquiry and a selfie allows people to understand our reality that we can only see things from our point of view as everyone else. Therefore, if we allow our assumptions and interpretations of the world around us to be challenged by the fact that there are other points of view we can learn to be unbiased learners. Moreover, it also helps people understand the need to communicate honestly and respectfully. We don’t have to attack people for what they believe or for what they say but we can challenge the statement. We don’t have to agree with everything people say or do, but we can understand why they say what they say and why they do what they do. Above all that, I believe we all need to learn how not to get offended every time someone or a statement doesn’t agree with us and how we see the world. We can also present our position with camaraderie with the intention to grow together as if all the selfies were part of one big picture without offending people.

September promises to be an interesting month. Things will only get more interesting as we continue experiencing the inquiry process in class. During this month I will continue experimenting and exploring more in body painting. In relationship to that, I will be body painting during an art show opening at the Gallery at Elemar in New Haven, CT (Friday, September 18: more details to come), and I will also be body painting the next day during the MAC Fest in Downtown Milford, CT. Don’t forget to also check out the sculpting and painting parties. Hope to see you soon in any of these events.

That is Encouraging

ReverieYesterday I wrote for the first in ten days. During the time I was absent from writing it surprised me how many people was still coming to the website to read previous posts. More encouraging is receiving messages and comments regarding yesterday’s post. All comments and messages were about how the post was a timely reminder for the right moment. That is encouraging indeed. It is a special kind of feeling difficult to articulate but I am definitely thankful for it. It is good to think that what I write here is an unrewarded effort although it feels that I am writing to no one sometimes. It is good to know someone still reads this and benefits from it.

Photo Nov 22, 10 59 16 PMI do not think I have a special wisdom or some kind of talent to speak to people’s need. I am also far away from being a preacher, a prophet, or a motivational speaker (although I used to be a motivational speaker a long time ago). In my short life and the experiences I’ve been through, as well as the times I learned from what I’ve seen from others, I learned to pause and see the world. I do see the world with a little humor which is not always understood by others but it is fun inside my head. Learning from the Bible as well as having a holistic view of the world helps me connect the dots. That doesn’t mean that I know everything or that I have everything figured out. No one does. I am just glad and thankful that I can share the little I know and bright the day for someone.

Take some time to stop and consider your lives and your experiences. Share them with others. There is always something others can learn from you. Maybe you can bright someone’s day. Even in our failures (which are only failures if we learn nothing from them) we can be changing a life if we share.