Feel it!


Bliss by Ivan Tirado

Take a moment to breathe in. Consider where you started and where you are now. Breathe out! Think of the moments when your heart was immerse in that piece you were creating. Time seemed to stop and you were in a different dimension of inspiration. Wouldn’t be great to experience that with each piece you create?

Sometimes it seems that artists are creating racing against time trying to compete with self-imposed demands. We are trying to produce and in the process we detach from the blessing that is creating. We used to dance with muses. Now we are rushing them. We put ourselves at risk of burning out our inspiration in the race. Yes, we can work fast and produce many pieces, but there is no need to deprive our spirits from the pleasure and satisfaction of art making. We should not run when we can soar.

Feel it! Let the result takes a second place. Allow inspiration guide you. Let yourself go. Don’t race time. Time will stand still while the muses dance to a rhythm of their own carrying you to that place. Feel the bliss of the process of creation.

How Long Does it Take

Photo Sep 30, 10 29 20 AMIt is very possible that half of the people who see my work ask this question: How long does it take to finish something like this? I take it as an honest question. We humans are trapped inside the clock.  Even when traveling to another place we don’t ask how far it is waiting for a response in miles or kilometers. We want to know how far it is in time measures: “How long does it take to get there?” We create deadlines in an attempt to beat time. The workplace establishes a shift based on hours. In many of these places it is of little importance quality and production than the time spent there. We are measuring nanoseconds to switch from one screen to another with a touch of a finger and we panic if takes “too long”. Even sharing a cup of coffee with someone is based on how much time they have for us at that moment. It seems that control is leaving us out of control and ripping away some of our humanity.

Yes, I understand we need to be accountable for what we do and time is a way of measuring productivity, results, and outcomes. I understand that time is important to keep things running “under control”. However, what does it matter how long it took when the result is already in front of them? It is not like they are waiting for me to finish the sculpture. It is there. They don’t have to wait for it. Of course, if they are requesting something specific for them, time is a concern. I don’t want to promise a massive sculpture of a horse and take ten years making it, but art takes time.

Photo Sep 29, 10 16 01 AMThe measure of time in art is not about how long it takes to make, but how long it took the artist to master the technique to make it happen. It is about how long it took to study and understand how to turn the idea into life. Time for the artist is about thinking how to pour the self on that piece. I can finish a painting in an hour or two, but it took a long time to get to that point. Even so with sculpting. I can finish a sculpture in a day but it took many years of practice, effort and sacrifice to reach a comfort level of my technique. However, the joy of creating and the bliss of the moment should not be shortened or retrained by time. The feeling is too good to rush.

Inspired by Life

Escape Your Shadows

Escape Your Shadows

Everyone has a story to tell. Some of those stories become inspiration for art. I’ve had conversations that provoke images in my head as the person speaks. These images become unpredicted elements of some of my pieces, specially sculptures. Yes, I’m listening to the conversation (or paying attention as I read on messenger) but images begin appearing. I just see things. You might say I’m a visionary. Psychologists might have a different label for sure.

Visual, philosophical, and emotional metaphors emerge from these conversations and they can turn a figure study into a sculpture that speaks to people. Concepts of overcoming the past, infatuation, victory, defeat, pain, pleasure, hurt, peace, strength, escape, freedom, failure, contentment, bliss… We could go on and on.

Interestingly, these conversations also help liberate the person telling the story. Often is like a burden that was lifted from their shoulders. Then when looking at the sculpture they feel like they can keep telling the story through it. That is a very rewarding experience as an artist.  Life inspires life and once again the human experience is shared among humans with a little help of art.

 Beguiled Published in the book International Contemporary Masters VIBeguiled
Published in the book International Contemporary Masters VI