Good Enough

“You are not good enough.”

Maybe you have heard these words. Perhaps these words were directed at you at some point in your life and you began living by them. It is possible that these words were defining your identity and set the tone for your pursues in life. I have my share of that. Being good enough has been a struggle for me for many years.

I have never been an athlete or athletic in my life. I am thankful that now in my 40s I can do some stuff and be healthy. I have to enjoy that now. Soon, I guess, I will be slowing down in the natural process of aging. I was that kid who would stay home playing with action figures and letting my imagination create new worlds. I was always a nerd; but not nerdy enough to be accepted by them. Yes, I am smart, but not smart enough to be considered smart.

I am a good husband, but maybe not good enough. I am a good father, but not good enough. I am pretty sure I am not a good friend. Otherwise, I would have friends to hang out with. I am a good teacher, but not good enough. We call it ‘adjunct’. Which is fine because I feel like an outsider must of the time. I am good enough to participate, but not good enough to belong. I am a good artist, but not good enough to be successful or at least respected as such. I am a good son, a good citizen, a good person; but not good enough.

When it comes to sin, I am good enough. I am a good sinner. I am so good at that, that Christ’s grace reached me and saved me. He accepted me and made me His own. I belong with Him. I am a good Christian, but not good enough, but I am so good at been weak that God’s power can become perfect in my weakness. I am thankful for everything He let me be not good enough, so He can be Good Enough for me.